Serdata is a system allowing to develop with absolute quiet your company, as it is one of the best software for cleaning firms. It is a supplemented solution that, together with the computer, allows the management of cleaning firms in all its aspects, as accurately and fast as possible. In this way, the entrepreneur gets always in real time all up-to-dated data concerning his activity, in order to be acquainted with the health of his company. It is very simple to utilize, and besides it does not require software or hardware knowledge, as we provide with a complete training course by your firm.
It works in the network, allowing to connect different offices simultaneously using simply a MODEM. It is besides tele-assisted, so that probable corrections or updating of the programme in any part of Italy are possible.
Serdata allows to get orders, save your time and money. In a market so sparkling as the present one, a clearing firm cannot be managed improvising or according to entrepreneur’s personal style. Primarly it is necessary to develop your sales force in order to maintain the market share of your company or to develop one, and it is essential to make reference to precise budgets fixed to the acquisition of a contract as well as to know at which price selling in a certain moment or finally simulating various offers to choose the best tender.
To not prolong this topic, we only say that Serdata has been created to dedicate more time to sales, to have always to hand all company data, to save many hours of work of employees, to get an advantage and to stand up to the competition.
The base programme is realized in 4 modules perfectly integrated among them but at the same time working also one by one. In this way, small companies too can start with the most suitable module according to their exigencies and after integrating the others.